23 February 2009

Twilight Movie Tour part 1

No, we didn't do a paid tour, we just drove to the sites and took pictures (and had a blast!) I don't have all of my pictures ready, so here's part 1 our trip into geekdom.

First stop - Oregon City: The factory where the nomads killed their first victim.

Second stop - Clackamas: The greenhouses used in for the botany field trip. As Amanda put it "We just walked on the same ground that Robert Pattinson walked on."

And we kept quoting Eric "Bella, it's a worm! It's a worm." You should get that if you saw the movie.

Third stop - Carver: For lunch at Carver Cafe. Before you ask about the ketchup bottle. Last time I saw the movie we were joking that their budget didn't include actual ketchup because no ketchup ever comes out when Bella is putting it on her fries....

Now, if you've seen the movie you should know what I'm doing here... but for those that haven't I'm dancing in front of the tree like Mike does when Bella and her Dad are having dinner.

Fourth Stop - Carver: The park that the original meadow scene was shot. They reshot this scene for the movie but we still wanted to go there.

And when you're in the meadow you have to strike an awkward pose! (If you've seen the movie, seriously what's up with the poses at the end of the meadow scene? They're just strange and awkward...)
To be continued in Part 2 (hopefully I can get the pictures finished before I leave for New Orleans! haha)


5Youngers said...

SoooooO funny. Love the ketchup pic and especially the awkward meadow pose -- AWesome -- love your hands.

Laura said...

GREAT photos - so fun!!!!!

Nancy said...

I'm so amazed that you know of all this stuff....!!!!

Becca and fam said...

That would have been a fun trip to be on. I love the awkward pose!

Ivon said...

I can tell you had a great time. Great photos.