09 December 2010

Drunk accents are the worst!

The entryway of my complex echoes badly and when someone is knocking on my neighbor's door I think it's my door. I'm sure they think "nosey neighbor trying to see who's out here." Because I've opened my door more than once and then apologize.

Shortly after I moved here around 2 am I heard someone in the entryway knocking on my neighbor's door, begging to be let in. I heard "blah blah come on blah blah..." And I was just about to go to sleep when she stammered into the entryway so I was a bit irritated. I finally heard "I'm going to leave!" and I thought "please do!" Unfortunately she didn't leave right away and kept begging to be let in. Finally she left and I was able to go to sleep.

The other night I was finishing up a show and it was 12:30 am when I heard knocking. Of course I couldn't tell if it was at my door or the neighbors. Then there were words spoken that I was unable to decipher (when you add the drunken slur to one of the bad scottish accents it's impossible to understand). I pause my show because I was pretty sure it was at my door not my neighbors, but I'm not going to open my door to find out - my momma raised no fool.

Then there are more words "blah blah blah blah johnny boy blah blah blah" and then I was pretty sure my mail slot was opened for them to say "blah blah blah." (don't worry you can't see in if the mail slot is opened) There might have been and I know you're there. Some more begging and then they finally left (and I'm pretty sure a snowball was thrown, but they missed my neighbor and hit my wall)

Darn those drunk friends of the neighbor's!

And then it hit me, he mumbled Johnny. Every once in awhile I get mail for the previous tenant and his name was John. So they were at my door and not my neighbors! Which made me think, the annoying drunk woman after I first moved in - was she also at my door?

Great! I'm the neighbor with the loud drunk friends.


Kim said...

That's funny and sorta scary at the same time ~ glad you're not opening your door!! And obviously Johnny didn't want these people to know where he moved.....haha

Nancy said...

Don't open the door, she might think Johnny dumped her for you!!! Johnny must of really been something ;) You might want to talk to your neighbor and get the scoop!!!

mandahugnkiss said...

Even funnier the second time reading it! LOL

neffie said...

I thought it was funny too! And mom only the first person was a chick. I guess I didn't explain that right. :-)

Sherri said...

That was too funny!
It would totally freak me out!

Laura said...

PS - Get some pepper spray and a whistle. :-)

Ivon said...

No need for pepper spray, I hear wasp spray is even better and lawful. I had to surrender my pepper spray to the Queen when visiting Canada. I did not get it back. Love you.