When I first made my ring I wanted a thick band. Once I finished it I wasn't too happy because I felt like it needed something more. And then it hit me, the something more could be my reminder of my journey.
So my journey is my time-out. I was getting lost in everything and just floating around without direction. I now have my direction but what's the best way to represent direction? A compass!
It took me a couple tries before I got the design right, but I got it! I cut 4 circles and stamped N, S, W, E on them. (North, South, West, and East). My ring is made of stirling silver.
(I also made a pair of earrings, pendant, and another ring. I merged some metals together to make a broach, but I didn't get that done so I'll be finishing that when I get home.)
I love it!! I can't wait to see it in person!
Love you chica!!
You nailed it on the head Steph! It's perfect ;)
OH! So cool, I love the inspiration behind it!
Nice ring. I can't wait to see it for real. Love you.
Love love LOVE it!! You are amazing!
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