13 September 2011

Book Suggestions?

I was at Target the other day and a couple books caught my eye. Have any of you read these books? If so, did you like them?

I'm a sucker for retold fairy tales so of course these two by Jackson Pearce jumped out at me:

These also caught my eye...

(Photos via Google)


Janai said...

I've never read any of these, but I think it would be fun to do a book club! We should get a group together. I joined a book club in my old ward, but I felt like the books were old lady books and very boring!

neffie said...

That would be fun! I tried to start an online one, but that didn't work out. We did one book :-) I'm in - we should totally plan a book club!

Sherri said...

I must be preggo sick...I have missed so much fun stuff! I love love love to read...and always appreciate good recommendations!