I think I will forever be playing catch up. Here's the third commercial that was made for our activity. I am very proud of this commercial. It's found on youtube here.
SHIELD yourself was a domestic violence seminar. Domestic violence needs to be talked about. If it's not talked about then how will you know what to do if you're in that situation? Abuse isn't always physical, it can be manipulation or constant criticism. Awareness events like this help people become inform.
I'm very happy with the turn out & speaker. The room was full! About 60 people showed up and about 25 of them were youth. (Thank you Tati!) I think it's important to start talking about this to teens. Sadly teen dating violence happens too. Our speaker was amazing. She went over the dating warning signs and then a quick discussion of general safety.
Thanksgiving has been great! I have a lot of assignments to finish up, but I figure I'll take the day off. I've decided to work on a few personal projects. I'm letting my mind just go and not focus on school. I'm having a leverage marathon. I watched this show on TV when it started up to when it ended.... it's been awhile and I forgot how awesome it is and how much I love it.
What else.... Oh! Definitely caught the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who last week - LOVED IT!
I'm thinking of revamping this blog, basically finding a purpose for it. I think that's why I tend to neglect it. It needs a direction. But that's waiting until the semester is over. :-)
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