12 December 2009


I was up so late last night!  I didn't get to bed until 3:00 this morning.  I was at Laura's screen printing my very first item, you can check it out at my sister's blog and the scarves turned out so cute!

It's been a very busy weekend but I was able to finish everything that needed to be done.  The food boxes were pushed back to next week mostly due to the freezing rain possibility this weekend and that was a tremendous help to me.  I think I would have been pushed over the edge if we didn't move that date.

Oh my goodness!  On another note we only have a couple more weeks of 2009 and I have a goal to be caught up on the "blogging of my travels."  I better get cracking!  And I need to get to bed, it's almost 1:00.  Man, I'm such a night owl.


Erica said...

You've been doing so many projects lately! You rock.

Family Fun said...

Hello Neffie-
This is Kimberly. I love your blog. I saw the scarves they look GREAT!!! You did such a good job.

Kim said...

From one night owl to another.....I find that I get more done when it's quiet because if I lay in bed, I think of all the things I need to be doing so I might as well stay up and do them. And I agree....you do rock!

Laura said...

You are so amazing - everything that needs to get done will get done and you'll have so much fun doing it too! LOVE YOU!!