I love The Mummy (I saw it so many times in the theatre) and haven't seen it forEver and I got excited. I quickly noticed the TeleMundo logo in the bottom corner and was hoping for it to be subtitled in Spanish, but once Evie spoke I knew that wasn't the case. That didn't stop me from watching it and I still laughed at the funny parts.
After the ferry catches on fire and Benny is on one side with the horses and yells "O'Connell! Looks to me like I have all the HORSES!!!" And O'Connell yells back "Benny! Looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the RIVER!!!!" (except that conversation was in Spanish) I laughed and then decided I need to watch it in English because I don't know Spanish.
I ran over to Best Buy but they didn't have it! They had the special edition trilogy package for $45 but I just wanted one movie and did not want to spend $45. I called Target across the street and they didn't have it. Then I thought to try the Target at Keizer station and success! When I got there they only had 2 left and it was only $7.50, score!
I noticed in this movie there's a lot of shooting guns with both hands and I couldn't help but to think of the first episode of "The Good Guys". The young cop uses both hands to shoot at the #2 assassin and of course completely misses. The #2 assassin says in a accent, "It's not as easy as it looks, huh?"
You're so funny! Thanks for the chuckle!
Your hunt was successful. Yea!
Good find!
Yay for the Mummy!! Glad you were able to find a copy!
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