12 July 2010

Stories told to children

Often Noah's ark and Joseph in Egypt are stories told to kids while they grow-up. I believe that as we grow up though that's what they become - mere stories. We forget that these were people; people who are not perfect, who have emotions, and make mistakes.

At least that's what happened to me, and then while reading about Joseph in Egypt I read verses that said how Joseph had to step away from his brother's to weep when he met them again. And then later when they're in his home he leaves to weep and had to splash his face with water before going back into the room to see them. This portrayal of emotion reminded me that he's a person like you and I.

Personally, I've splashed water on my face to calm down and to hid the fact that I was crying tso many times. Haven't you?

As I came to this realization another thought hit me - that makes Joseph's story even more impressive / amazing / wonderful. He stayed optimistic during everything (which was a lot) that he went through. Even in his affliction he saw the Lord watching over him. And he even forgave his brothers for selling him. My problems are insignificant to what he went through, but have I stayed optimistic and positive through them? Not exactly. Will I try better from now on since I've come to this realization? Yes I will try. But as Master Yoda says "there is no try only do." We need to keep that in mind as well.

Can you tell I'm reading the Old Testament?


Nancy said...

Good job Steph, we all have to have that reminder of staying optimistic!

Kim said...

One of the reasons I loved the Work and the Glory series is that, while they were part fiction, it made Joseph Smith into a real person in my mind and not an iconic figure. I think it's personally inspiring to realize that the people we read about in the scriptures were real people with real emotions. Thanks for sharing this post ~ it's a great reminder!!!

Ardith Haws said...

I love reading your thought-provoking posts. Thank you for your insight. This is beautiful.

Sherri said...

Great post! LOVE IT!

Laura said...

I love how you added Yoda :-)