24 January 2011

Food update...

So, last night for dinner I had these Ramen-type noodles. When you looked at it was like "Yay! Ramen!" Who doesn't love ramen, right?

This is no ramen.

It was a nasty dinner.... there was like this gelatin substance on the noodles once they were done. I don't think I'll be eating these again.

You know what I really miss? P.F. Changs! Oh! I so miss their yummy food.....


Ivon said...

I hate nasty noodles too. P.F. Changs isn't high on my list, but I will go with you. Love you.

Nancy said...

Well, just add that to your bucket list! Now you are smarter and those won't be getting in you shopping cart any more!!!! YUCK!!!!

Kim said...

I'd love love love to hit PF Changs with you when you get back!!