I must say that I was suckered in and will see this movie (The Day The Earth Stood Still), if it's not rated R. It looked good and my interest was piqued. I will not be seeing this on opening day since it's the same day that Twilight opens - I'll be watching that one instead...

The second half of the panel included Mark Wahlburg, which was for Max Payne. I never played the video game, it looks very bloody which is probably very true to the video game. I will bet money that this one will be rated R. I will not be seeing it.

Hugh Jackman comes running on the stage and the crowd erupts!! He tells us that X-men 1, 2, and 3 never showed at comic con, but he wanted to bring Wolverine here. Again the crowd goes crazy. Honestly last I heard the Wolverine movie was just a rumor. But apparently it's already filmed.
Hugh Jackman was so funny! He loves being Wolverine and he was so excited to bring the clip to us. He told us that they just barely wrapped up filming and he was taping together the clip on the airplane. LOL He even came off the stage to shake the hand of the Wolverine creator. You should have seen security once they realized he was trying to get off the stage. They were like "what do we do?!? We can't let him do this!! SCRAMBLE!!! SCRAMBLE!!" They were scrambling to make sure he was surrounded while he ran through the front of the crowd. Yeah, he realized his mistake when he got back on stage, "oh, I probably shouldn't have done that." And as I mentioned before I was freaking happy that I saw GAMBIT!!! It's about time that they put him in a movie. I so can't wait for this one to come out!
The next panel was the Summit Entertainment panel and the 6500 people in the room explode when they come out. Of course they were smart and included two other movies before they got to Twilight. They showed us clips of Push and Knowing, both look VERY good. If they're not rated R I'll be seeing these ones as well. And now onto the Twilight panel....
To be continued....
LOVE the photo's, can't believe you were there!
Hi Stephanie - Sounds like you and Sarah had SUCH a great time. Laura was so jealous that you were there and she wasn't. Can't wait for your "next installment". Love the photo of Hugh Jackman. too cute that you can read his "Calvins" band on his briefs! You were REALLY CLOSE!!! Cindy
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