27 April 2009

March for Babies 10K

So on Saturday I walked with some friends for the March of Dimes. And we had SO much fun! Guess who joined us on the walk?!

I took a lot of pictures and will be posting those soon as well.

But first I need to get my pictures together from the Twilight Movie Weekend. But... but I've been watching Spooks and it's amazing. It's a British show but the US title is MI-5, like we don't know what Spooks are that they need to rename it for us Yanks? Anyways, I'm learning some amazing choice British words and expressions to use. And I've been busy with other stuff. (I know, I know excuses excuses) Ok, ok, I've just been slacking big time!

But anyway, I'm going to post those really soon. But enjoy the early picture! :-) (it's like a teaser poster! LOL)


Ivon said...

Sounds like fun. Is Spooks as good as the James Bond movies? You're awesome for doing the walk. I am proud of you.

Kim said...

I love the teaser poster!! Congrats on doing the walk!

Meg and Joe said...

LOL! That was SO fun! Thanks for getting it going! Can't wait to see the other pics!

5Youngers said...

Great job on the walk!!!!!! Love the Edward walking Renesme post. AWESOME!

Laura said...

LOVE your photo and can't wait to see the rest!
You're awesome for doing the walk!

Nancy said...

You're always doing good things for others, I'm proud of you and love you!!!! This might be a need to know question, but, did Edward walk or hitch a ride!?!

Becca and fam said...

Good job on the walk! LOVE your walking buddy :)